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Sunday, November 21, 2010

The world will change in but a moment

The Hidden Messages in Water book
I have read this other book from Dr. Masaru Emoto that I bought months ago.  I have been re-reading it few times ever since, each time I will pick up some new meanings.  With the recent changes in my life that I have been busy coping with, I reckon if I don't write this post, it will never happen soon, so here we go:

2 key points I picked up from this book are:

a)  "Morphic Resonance" - A phenomenon discovered by Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, a British science researcher from Cambridge, who is also a fellow of the Royal Society.  Simply put, it basically means when an event first happen, the tendency for same event to occur again will be very high since a morphic field has already been formed. 

This helps to explain a lot on 'coincidence' or 'synchronicity' that is happening around us.  For example, when someone discovers a new finding or new invention, very soon or about same time, people from other parts of the world will discover the same.  Use it in good will serve good to other mankind, but likewise, an evil crime committed will repeat itself in this or other part of the world.

b)  The basis of all this is we are all "Linked" and we all possess creative power.  To change the world, we can make use of water as a key medium, as water is connected to all water from all parts of the world.  Project good thoughts (love and gratitude) onto water, and this will resonate with all water instantaneously, and create a positive morphic field.  The change that happens will transcend Time and Space.  The thought you create this moment will affect the outcome in another moment, thus the phrase comes in the world will change in moment by moment although it appears as a continuum.

Having said that, next time when you project a thought, will you choose a joyous one or painful one?  Think the answer should be pretty obvious by now :).  If more and more people can begin to project positive thoughts like Love and Gratitude, a gigantic morphic field will be formed, and this will steer the world to a positive state.  After all, we all possess the magical creative power, and it is this ability to affect an instant change to new state that makes life fascinating, isn't it?  :)

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