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Sunday, October 23, 2011

Joseph cycle - 7 good years followed by 7 bad years

Ever heard of this Bible story? Joseph the dream interpreter who managed to crack the then Egypt Pharaoh's recurring nightmare dream: by explaining that the king's dream is to forewarn about 7 good years followed by 7 bad famine year, thus need to stock up and be prepared when the days are good. From a prisoner Joseph became the Prime Minister and successfully led Egypt avoid the pitfall when the bad years strike.

I remembered I read this Joseph Cycle book during 2008, when the times were good, before the last financial crisis. This Singaporean author is a chartist and analyst from UBS it seems. When he published this book at 2005/6, he was forecasting STI is on bull trend and may hit 4300 in 2008. Well, it was peak at 2008, and after Beijing Olympic things went downhill as per the cycle foretelling.

7 looks like a magical figure. It took God 7 days to create this world. There are 7 days in a week. 7 year of Itch. Lucky 7 is the jersey for greatest football player in the team etc.

When history repeats itself at times, and like pendulum. 14 years is the cyclic time. Each working adult should have 2 to 3 times to ride on the right trend.

Looks like we are on the downtrend, so folks, just have a lookout on it, preserve and capitalize the next macro uptrend from 2015 onwards, agree?

PS: Enlarging the pic so you can have a good read on the events. :)

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