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Friday, November 26, 2010

Give the world the Best & Anyway

Motivational Posters at the back
of the taxi driver seat!
I always believe we can pick up subtle messages on what your higher self is trying to communicate to or teach you in various occasions.  I was sitting in a taxi to meeting yesterday morning. In front of me were two big posters on motivational quotes I believe put up by the taxi driver, as part of the decoration.  I couldn't remember the left hand side one, but the right one was quite intriguing.

There were 2 pieces joined together.

First being "Give the best you can to the world, and the best will come back to you".  What a simple illustration on the boomerang principle!

The second poster is a little wordy. I will give it a shot to rephrase it ANYWAY :)

  • People often are unreasonable and self centered, FORGIVE them anyway.
  • If you are kind, people may still accuse you wrongly of selfish motive, be KIND anyway.
  • If you are successful, you may win some false friends and true enemies, SUCCEED anyway.
  • If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you, be HONEST and FRANK anyway.
  • What you spent years building people may destroy it overnight, BUILD it anyway.
  • When you are happy, people may become jealous, be HAPPY anyway.
  • Give the world the best you have it may still not enough, GIVE the world the best you have got anyway.
The punchlines are the best:
  • Ultimately, in final analysis, all these are between you and God. Its never between you and them ANYWAY. How true it is! :)
Hope you like these little nuggets I just shared.  Enjoy it anyway!

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