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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Back to the Basics

Taken from Koi Pond in Suntec City, Singapore
Was trying to look for a good picture that depicts some sort of tranquility.  Finally found one from my phone :).  I am a happy man now.

The topic of this post is about back to the basics. There are 3 points I'd like to cover.

1. Mind your Breathing
Yes, you are right.  This birthright act of breathing, and breathing in a proper manner is often we overlook as it's all being handled by our subconscious mind.  If you notice, babies can sleep soundly because they get into relaxed mode effortlessly.  To achieve this state of calmness, one needs to be more conscious about our breathing pattern.

Do you suffer shallow, often short breath, or breathlessness easily or constantly? If so, you may want to try this 6-6-8 breathing pattern that I'm going to suggest you.

Inhale count 1 to 6.  Then hold your breath count 1 to 6 (to begin with a shorter count will do if you really can't hold for 6 seconds).  Exhale count 1 to 8. In doing so, you will get roughly 3 to 5 deep relaxed breaths per minute.

The reason why you hold your breath is for the oxygen to have more time to traverse to different parts of your bodies more deeply.  The exhale time is longer than inhale, so as to clear out more exhaust gas, and in preparation for the next inhale to be more deeper.

Practise this kind of yoga breathing with diaphragm movement will help you to achieve Alpha brainwave state more easily, and become more relaxed and alert afterwards.

2. Drink more water
Yes, it's simply drinking more good quality water. Refer to my earlier post on how to make the water tastier :) when you express gratitude and love.

3. Laugh more
Another birthright.  Laugh more, and share your laughters with people around you.  Even a small grin will make a lot of difference.

Reason I wrote this post is about several basics that we tend to forget the older and 'busier' we are.  I once read a saying "get happy and the good fortune will come" Not the other way around i.e. don't wait until you make your fortune than feel happy, as you will never feel enough, thus you'll never happy"  In other words, don't forget the scenery while you are traveling this splendid life journey.  Have fun!  :)

Friday, November 26, 2010

Give the world the Best & Anyway

Motivational Posters at the back
of the taxi driver seat!
I always believe we can pick up subtle messages on what your higher self is trying to communicate to or teach you in various occasions.  I was sitting in a taxi to meeting yesterday morning. In front of me were two big posters on motivational quotes I believe put up by the taxi driver, as part of the decoration.  I couldn't remember the left hand side one, but the right one was quite intriguing.

There were 2 pieces joined together.

First being "Give the best you can to the world, and the best will come back to you".  What a simple illustration on the boomerang principle!

The second poster is a little wordy. I will give it a shot to rephrase it ANYWAY :)

  • People often are unreasonable and self centered, FORGIVE them anyway.
  • If you are kind, people may still accuse you wrongly of selfish motive, be KIND anyway.
  • If you are successful, you may win some false friends and true enemies, SUCCEED anyway.
  • If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you, be HONEST and FRANK anyway.
  • What you spent years building people may destroy it overnight, BUILD it anyway.
  • When you are happy, people may become jealous, be HAPPY anyway.
  • Give the world the best you have it may still not enough, GIVE the world the best you have got anyway.
The punchlines are the best:
  • Ultimately, in final analysis, all these are between you and God. Its never between you and them ANYWAY. How true it is! :)
Hope you like these little nuggets I just shared.  Enjoy it anyway!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

The world will change in but a moment

The Hidden Messages in Water book
I have read this other book from Dr. Masaru Emoto that I bought months ago.  I have been re-reading it few times ever since, each time I will pick up some new meanings.  With the recent changes in my life that I have been busy coping with, I reckon if I don't write this post, it will never happen soon, so here we go:

2 key points I picked up from this book are:

a)  "Morphic Resonance" - A phenomenon discovered by Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, a British science researcher from Cambridge, who is also a fellow of the Royal Society.  Simply put, it basically means when an event first happen, the tendency for same event to occur again will be very high since a morphic field has already been formed. 

This helps to explain a lot on 'coincidence' or 'synchronicity' that is happening around us.  For example, when someone discovers a new finding or new invention, very soon or about same time, people from other parts of the world will discover the same.  Use it in good will serve good to other mankind, but likewise, an evil crime committed will repeat itself in this or other part of the world.

b)  The basis of all this is we are all "Linked" and we all possess creative power.  To change the world, we can make use of water as a key medium, as water is connected to all water from all parts of the world.  Project good thoughts (love and gratitude) onto water, and this will resonate with all water instantaneously, and create a positive morphic field.  The change that happens will transcend Time and Space.  The thought you create this moment will affect the outcome in another moment, thus the phrase comes in the world will change in moment by moment although it appears as a continuum.

Having said that, next time when you project a thought, will you choose a joyous one or painful one?  Think the answer should be pretty obvious by now :).  If more and more people can begin to project positive thoughts like Love and Gratitude, a gigantic morphic field will be formed, and this will steer the world to a positive state.  After all, we all possess the magical creative power, and it is this ability to affect an instant change to new state that makes life fascinating, isn't it?  :)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Good iPhone App - Paperless

iPhone App - Paperless
For those iPhone users out there, this iPhone app called "Paperless" is a very handy tool to organize your thoughts or your to-do list in an easy to use and eye pleasing manner.

I have been using the free lite version and decided to get the paid one shortly after using it.  It really saves a lot of Post-it or loose paper chits.  Better still, you can type all the items down on the go whenever your thought come by, all without the need to get a pen or jot it down somewhere.

I particular like the checklist feature.  Seeing the tasks marked completion one-by-one on the fly is really pleasing.  Spending some time typing the list out really calms me down.  I realize I can be more focused even if I were faced with many outstanding tasks :)

For those iPhone user friends out there, this app is worth a download.  Go get it from the app store, and start using it. You won't regret it :)

Allow yourself to SHINE, and have FUN!

Run into this video when I was feelin a bit lost ... Found this to be rather interesting and hit my heartstring quite well when I was watching it. Hope you enjoy it too, and found the few minutes of your time well spent! Have fun :) watching this video.

PS: I have watched this video clip a few times. Every time I watch it, I get a different and deeper meaning. Think I will be watching this again and again, when I am feeling a bit down, and need a little booster :) The script is really inspiring, not to mention those cute little babies.

Monday, November 8, 2010

How to increase your Luck multifold

HSBC's Hexagon Logo -
unfolded from a square, smart huh?
Have you ever wondered why HSBC, one of the most successful MNC banks in the world, chose hexagon as part of their logo design?  I do not have the official answer.  Read on, and you may agree with me the reason behind later.

If you believe in numerology, there is different meanings with each single digit starting from 0 to 9. The numeric digit 6 is our topic for the day here :)

According to Fumio Nishida (幸運之神, 西田敏郎), one of the most successful sports and business coaches in Japan, the most powerful way to increase one's luck factor is to utilize what he termed "6 way thinking", or simply put need to pay attention and due respect to 6 aspects (or directions).  Ya right, East, West, South, West, Above and Below.  Let me explain the meaning of each direction one by one:

  1. Face EAST - is to thank and pay respect to our ancestors and parents.  Without them we won't come into existence in this world.
  2. Face WEST - is to thank our family member (spouse) and especially children.  They are the backbone and main motivator to propel us forward.
  3. Face SOUTH - is to thank our Teachers and Supervisors, they are the ones who give us courage and drive.
  4. Face NORTH - is to thank our Colleages, Peers and Friends, who renders support to us when our path crossed.
  5. Face UPward - is to thank the Sun and Sky to give us air and energy which protect and nurture us selflessly.
  6. Face DOWNward - is to think the Earth and Ocean, to keep us grounded and closer to all the nature beauty.
If you notice, a tetrahedron is formed with 6 directions to form a beautiful 3 dimentional shape.  The perfect water crystals as I wrote about in earlier blog posts are all hexagonal in shape.  The more coincidences make me think the Hong Kong Bank founder or logo designer were real smart people in choosing hexagon in their logo, which carries so much meaning.

This simple ritual of paying respect on all 6 should take no more than few minutes.  I suggest to make it into habit, you can build it as part of your daily routine, like in the morning after wash up or brushing, to think and thank for all those 6 aspects.  This will give you a positive boost, and energise you for the rest of the day.  When you are feeling positive, this is where the luck factor will follow naturally.

Are you game to give it a try to see how it goes?  I will be interested to know if this gives you a new prespective on those surrounding you that you need to feel thankful for.  Have fun!  :)