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Sunday, August 5, 2012

The Healing Code

Long time no blog. Quite some time indeed. Had been reading many books, on DNA, TOEY way of life (yes, our big Toe does carry some significance), 2012 topic book, end of world prophecies, ultra slow jogging etc. But none carries as much impact as this book I am gonna to share.

Chance upon this when I happened to be in Popular bookshop, having member recommendation 30% sale, so bought it at a modest $11 dollars. Boy, the return is far above it ... many times.

I have to say even before I finish reading it, I can feel some change already happening to me, on the good side. Can't wait the time when I start to put it into practice, how it will help me to address some deep rooted issues at root cause level.

To cut this story short, the author is a medical doctor, but couldn't cure his wife who had suffered deep depression for 12 years. They tried all methods, seek all help, and spent countless money looking for the right cure.

It was in one day while the author was traveling in an aircraft that this healing method was literally downloaded into his brain out of the world. The author went on to refine it and test it for next 2-3 years before announcing it actually works, after many people had tried and testified it.

The healing code is a 6 minutes ritual (some finger pointing gestures) that is targeted at four energy centers in our body. It can work for oneself, or one can practice and apply to their love ones. The method addresses the deep rooted cause - bad cell memory response which needs a positive energy to neutralize it. We all have an immune system to trigger the self healing mechanism, however, it was due to stress and past bad memory that we are not able to release the needed right energy to combat it. In other words, we are trapped by our own fortress - partly due to our subconscious also trying to protect us from being hurt again.

The healing code is thus like a wave offsetting the distorted harmful energy wave, so that it becomes neutralized and body can take over and do the necessary healing, all at energy level.

There are many testimonials quoted throughout the book - some are not just physical illnesses, but others like human relationship, peak performance issues are all being healed, once oneself starts to practise the 4 healing codes. (I shall elaborate these 4 codes in another blog post, once I started and gained more experience on it)

The book is really testifying the Chinese idiom "心病��心��", direct translate into English is "need to address right to our heart on all the heart dis-ease matter". Throughout the book, it explains a lot on the how our heart (subconsciousness) actually wins over the our mind (consciousness), and anything not addressed the root cause at subconscious mind level will be short term and futile.

The analogy I particularly like is like a rechargeable vacuum cleaner may work after charging for a short period of time, but to provide the needed energy for it to work continuously, it needs to be plugged in to a wall pocket, which is like when one seeks and discovers the 'Truth'. Once knowing the truth, it will give the needed thrust and keep one going.

The English version is available in Times bookstore. I strongly urge you to give it a try - it may be the curing solution your heart has been longing for, and creates some un-imaginary result.

Disclaimer: Like the author says, pls don't replace it with main stream medication/ treatment that one is currently undergoing, but use it more like a supplement. Anyway, it's few minutes that it take, and by the time your body starts to see improvement, one will know when to stop treatment - just to prepare for some issues that have been embedded at deep level for so many years, it will take longer time for the positive energy to reach and complete the healing. Have faith and fun!! :)

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