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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Self Praise Diary

Have been reading this book written by a Japanese lady author, practicing it for over 1 week, and found some amazing results - thus intends to share over here how it works.

Basically, to boost up one's self esteem and keep one motivated, maintain a positive perspective, and be able to bounce back from trough in shortest time possible - build up some mental resilience- is very easy. You just need to spend few minutes a day, jotting down the journal of self praises into your personal diary. Yes, that's it. It costs next to nothing apart from a writing pad, a pen and few minutes of your time.

Few things to take note:

1. The encouraging words to our own-self needs to be handwritten! This aims to exercise our prefrontal part of the brain (前額業), and make the positive thinking circuit wider and deeper!

2. It takes time and time taken varies between different individuals. There's no comparison. Some see positive impact and changes happening as soon as weeks or days. The key is to have the momentum, patience and persistence.

3. The praises or words can be praising anything: good behavior, positive feeling, decision made, action taken against difficult situations etc. It's to be intimate and true fully reflects how one feels, and seeing progress made, albeit how little it is at the start

The self praise dairy has helped many depression patients coming out from their self sabotage and withdrawal state. It also helps to counter the self denial mentality that is deep rooted in most Asians' mindset that self boasting or brag is not to be condoned with.

It was most touching when I read the part many readers shared their diary and witnessed their progress - some dated recent back to Mar 2011 tsunami disaster, and how practicing self praise dairy has given them strength to carry on with the recovery work, and still maintain positive outlook to LIFE.

Guess all this boils down to 2 things:

1. We need to love ourselves first before we can extend the love to others, and help influence them to seek greater love - which is universal. Universe loves us, all of us, and want us to remain in this state - which is our natural birth right.

2. The change starts from with-in before it gets extended to with-out. Self soul searching is again the key. Change yourself, and the world will be changed!

If you have not been getting praises from others or your love ones, why not start the ball rolling by giving yourselves a well deserved pat on your own back! :) Have fun journaling. You never know if you never try.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Sequel to Water: Love & Gratitude blogpost

Think I wrote about an experiment 2 years ago of putting a "Love & Gratitude" sticker to my mug to make the water taste sweeter - because of molecular resonance as reflected by these 2 powerful words - Love and Gratitude.

Was wondering why I am particularly fond of these 2 words. I accidental got the idea this afternoon while I was have a shower - no kidding. One often get a flash back of inspiration or message when your mind is wandering.

They are indeed the initials of my beloved sons' names. L & G. Bingo. Love is for Lincoln, whereas Gratitude is for Gordon.

We exert great love to my young son Lincoln as he had developed asthma since he was about one year old, in and out hospital A&E numerous times. With tender loving care by my wife (& encouragement from me also), Lin is a strong boy now. He recently just completed his first public Chinese WuShu performance, before he entered into Primary1 cheerfully. Lin has a remarkable smile and friendly disposition that is hard to forget. :)

For my elder son Gordon is another miracle which I still remember vividly the day when I first heard from the gynae doc that my wife was pregnant. The initial month was a bit roller coaster - we discovered late, and the condition was quite unstable. My wife was having medical leave at home just lying down, and couldn't move around - to that extent. I still remember calling the gynae on one Sunday morning for emergency check-up. Thank God the second trimester onwards things had become smooth. Gor is a Primary 3 boy now, and cheerful and loving to his younger brother. For this I am external grateful to our creator God and the universe.

I am just about to discover more and more new and good things. I am ready for more. Bring it on please. :)

PS: I supposed to write a blogpost on Dec21,2012 - but for some reason was sick for 3 days since Dec21. Think there's a reason I shouldn't have written that post. :)