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Saturday, September 24, 2011

Carnegie De-Stress Formulae

Found this book written by Taiwanese author 黑幼龍. A very special name. Black (surname) Small Dragon (middle names). Guess is real name, as his son is called 黑立行.

The author is Dale Carnegie Training Greater China partner and owner, so he surely is the best person to interpret and explain the teachings of Dale Carnegie. The book is written in Chinese, but in similar style with Carnegie's other books full of examples in between. If you have read "how to win friends and influence people", "how to stop worrying and start living" you will know what I mean.

The book is divided into ten chapters, each explaining one formula at a time:

1. Determine to live a more freedom lifestyle
Once we are stress free, our immune system will improve, and health will come back. Our mentality decides how we act and react to situation. Always maintain a positive attitude. 90% of our worries will not materialize anyway, so why live in the negative self sabotaging thoughts and be haunt by it?

2. Live in the Day time compartment
Compartmentalize our life timescale. Live in the current moment and heaven is NOW. No point worry over the spilled milk (PAST), and not to worry about tomorrow worries (FUTURE). Today is the Day that we all need to seize and treasure.

3. Three Magical steps to overcome all the worries
a) Ask ourselves what could be the worst situation?
b) Accept the worst situation
c) Try our best to improve from the worst situation

Similar to Chinese idiom saying 否極泰來, when one reaches rock bottom worst situation, we could not go any more down but have to improve. Always have high hopes. There are many ways to improve the situation, and don't be paralyzed by the issues we currently facing.

4. Three principles to analyze and resolve issue
As taught by Greek philosopher Aristotle, the three key principles are:
a) Collect the facts
b) Evaluate the facts
c) Make the decision, and take immediate action

To be factual one needs to calm down left brain and invoke our logical reasoning mind.

Two techniques:
- count the color items in the room and surroundings
- ask the famous 6Ws: who, where, what, when, why and how

Once decided, back by facts and evaluated, we should march forward and don't look back.

5. The four questions need to be asked before solving any problem:
a) What is the problem? Define it.
b) What causes the problem? The real root cause.
c) What are the possible solutions?
d) What is the best option?
Many times before finish answering these questions, the problem is no longer an issue. :)

6. Have fun in our work, job
- boost morale everyday is a new day
- do things one at a time, like the sand passes thru the funnel "one grain at a time"
- take a 5 mins break to rejuvenate our energy before getting too tired

7. Set stop loss for worry
When situation can't be improved, after we have tried our best, we should simply accept the fact, and move on.
At least we won't lose every hopes if we have set a stop loss.

8. Divert our attention by being occupied with positive work
Often time when our mind is free, we will become negative and feeling down. To combat this, we should make ourselves busy and take actions continuously, no matter how small or trivial it is.

9. Forgive and Forget
Don't expect people will reciprocate when you have helped others. Don't take it for granted. Be kind, forgive and forget, don't hold grudges with your enemies or those who had hurt you.

10. Peace at mind
Count our blessings that we already have. Be grateful, and have gratitude on things happening to us. Don't let our lives become monotonous. Our children will follow parents when they make it a habit to have gratitude in everyday living.

The final chapter says it all. These are not new teachings. We all know these and aware of it, but not practicing it only. Start by changing our mind, thought, and our action will start to change for the better.

I am glad that I didn't return this book to the library too early before finish reading it, and got to renew it. I had dragged too long to write this post to remind what I have read and learnt. I hope you can pick up some good pointers to combat your stress when you are feeling stressful next time. Now go play! Have a good weekend folks! :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

How to hear your Angels

I finished reading this book by author Doreen Virtue in less than 24 hours. A record for me. Hopefully I can turn out my blog post within another 24 hours. That will be another record :).

I was able to read (or skim thru) this book so quickly probably because this is not the first book I read by the same author. I had read her other angel book before talking solely on archangel Michael I think. Besides, on a recent Borders clearance sale, I managed to grab a few audio CDs from her at bargain price. I listened to the Angel 101 CD on the same day which gave a good recap and foundation :) on what Angel therapy is about.

Angels are Gods servant/ messengers. They are cross religions. In order for them to help us, one ought to give permission as we all have our free will. This can be easily achieved by simply Asking for help. Ask and thou shall receive. It's as simple as that. Of course, this involves surrendering, patience and faith.

There is no task too small that Angels or other ascended masters is not able to or not willing to help. Each named archangel is having specialty (eg Michael for Protection/ strength, Raphael for healing, Gabriel for communication etc) when one is unsure who to call upon, can leave it to angels to send the appropriate helper :)

The author went on in great details on how to sharpen our already posses 4 senses to receive messages, namely our hearing, sight, feeling and thought. Guess I am gonna to try out some method one day. The key is to calm our mind and senses, and be able to receive, by picking up the nuisances first, and develop a more continuum communication channel.

One may ask how to differentiate and ascertain that we are hearing angel/ god's message, but not our own Ego's sabotage or from other negative sources disguising it? The right message will always leave us positive feelings, consistent and with the intent of bringing us upward (improvement). If in doubt, we can always ask for confirmation (by observing the signs).

There are few techniques that I find quite interesting.

A) Vacuuming - imagine Archangel Michael is to help to cleanse the negativity we get exposed to or trapped inside our body by visualizing him using a vacuum cleaner to suck out all the -ve stuff from our top to bottom, and finish by filling our body up with thick white light to fill up the void once occupied by the negativity.

B) Autowriting - put down our question on a piece of paper, ask for divine guidance and protection, before start to allow our hand to free flow writing the responses.

Once we can quiet our minds, who knows we could be calling on the needed help that we have been yearning for so long?