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Saturday, March 1, 2014

My Prayer - from "For the Love of God" book & "Heart of Worship" video

This book is like Chicken Soup for the Soul series - full of inspiring real stories (mostly few pages long only so is an easy read), under different themes, like "Challenges", "Living up your Faith", "Miracle - big and small", "Living the Golden Rule", and the "Power of Prayers". 

Of all the authors featured, I quite like Jerry Hendrick.  He wrote a few stories - one was about his daughter going to get paralysis due to a rare cancer, and how God had prepared his family for her amputation to save her life. 

Jerry wrote another story about the Mysterious and Wonder Prayer - and I hope he doesn't mind I repeat his prayer here as I find it extremely meaningful and relevant.  This will surely benefit a lot of people out there who are in search of some hope and inspiration.  Jerry wrote this prayer after he sought help and direction from God on the areas of his life where he needing most help.  Jerry suggests us should do the similar to customise our own version.

My Prayer
  1. God grant me a thankful heart, so I appreciate all of the blessings I have been given.
  2. God grant me strength, so I can stand up to whatever trials I will face in life.
  3. God grant me courage, so I will live a fearless life for you.
  4. God grant me grace, so I will accept without complaint whatever comes my way.
  5. God grant me faith, so I will stay true when doubt and discouragement attack my spirit.
  6. God grant me compassion, so I might show Your love toward others, near and far.
  7. God grant me humility, so I will remember I am no better than anyone else.
  8. God grant me character, so I might be an example for others.
  9. God grant me patience, so I am able to wait for Your perfect timing.
  10. God grant me forgiveness, so I can forget whatever wrongs I have known.
  11. God grant me love, so that I might warm Your heart and the souls of those I meet.
  12. God grant me peace, that only comes from pleasing You.
I think I am gonna to revisit these 12 pointers from time to time, and meditate on the one(s) that I need most direction at that point in time.

Before parting, let me share a video on a beautiful song that I learnt from the Sunday Church that I am attending.  The theme for my church this year is "Return to the Heart of God", and whenever we sing this particular song during worshipping, I felt particular touched (very often with moisted eyes).  The name of the song is called "The Heart of Worship" by Matt Redman.  There was a story behind how this song come about, but let's share this later.  Let's enjoy the song first.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Interview with an Angel - Ariel (part 2)

This is probably the second or third time I picked up this book to re-read again.  While I was reading it, I remembered I had blogged about it before few years back.  I deliberately didn't want to read that old blog post until I have finished this round of re-reading.  :P

This time round, I found I picked up most insights towards the end of book, when Ariel talks about the Jesus Christ, Adam and Eve, and some other Biblical story and characters like Exodus, Cain and Abel.

The sharing from Ariel (these group of angelic beings from other realm) is again profound.  She will only share what is appropriate and suitable for human beings' understanding at that point in time, no more no less.  Nevertheless, she will still try to help us to fathom using the limited understanding and words we have now to describe the indescribable.  I particularly like that part when she explained who Jesus Christ was - a being who was in total communion with God, while incarnated in human form.  Jesus' love has achieved such a state that there is total forgiveness - where judgement does not play any part at all, thus there is nothing to judge.  That's the end state the human evolution is heading towards.

Forgiveness that results from the state of love through unity with God was the entire teaching.

Jesus' teachings are to be experienced, to be felt, not just to be read, therefore a lot of things were not written nor recorded, even recorded it was many years later and bound to have misses or inconsistencies (deliberate intent).  The emphasis on direct communication and direct experience really distinguishes the message from this book to others.  The metaphor (or real story?) of Eve and Adam left Eden - is to show the separateness mankind took onto separate from God, after having eaten the apple from the Tree of Knowledge.  Once the Ego has become separated from God (Good), and took on a different evolutionary path, it was where the hardship and suffering arise.  On one hand, the Ego is trying to protect mankind, on the other hand, it is drifting from the truth farther and farther.  The return of Eden is to know that truth (wisdom - which unlike knowledge can't be taught - is simply just knowing) - that we all come from Tree of Life, and have been blessed with the same life force that creates this universe, everything.  The lesser struggle we have, the easier we will be able to  adapt to the flow of life and the smoother our journey back home will be.  One way is to surrender and believe there is higher being (God) that will take care of everything.

The book talks a lot of opening our Heart, power of Prayer and Meditation - which has strike me times and times again.  Instead of searching outside (without), we shall be searching within - and we shall hear the tiny faint little voice that God or beings from other realms have been trying to communicate with us - but we were too busy or too scare (when fear kicks in after Ego has been bruised so badly).  I am going to remind myself to continue my prayer, meditation and spend time to cultivate the relationship with God.  After all, who else should I or can I turn to?  :)


Sunday, October 27, 2013

When I am afraid ...

Long time no blog. This is a long overdue post. I had been bringing my kids and family to a church near to my house, on and off, a few times.  Each time also gave me good impression, many things to chew on, and some inner strength. Guess when time and schedule permits, we would be going there more often.

I remember the very first time, when I was with my younger son Lincoln in the younger kids class, I learnt about golden verse like "When I am afraid, I put my TRUST in You" from Psalm. Also, the Parable of Sower from Matthew, about the seed growing on different level of soil (faith) and how the environment affect the growing of the seed into a plant.  The teachings and sharing by the teenage leader, and some young teacher, are simply truthful from their heart, and inspiring.  I had learnt about those teachings when since young (I went to a Christian Primary school, and a Catholic Secondary school, even took Bible Studies in my O-Level exam, and got an distinction), but never had thought about the meanings behind are so deep.  Yet, can be explained to kids in an interesting manner that you will feel amazed on the kids response :)

Today, the topic was on "Hope", and "Faith" which are quite abstract concept and not easy to explain, but the young teachers were able to pull it through. When I was watching one video being shown to this combined class comprises of Pri3 onwards kids, my eyes were moisted.  The simple cartoon was from Korea.

Please have a look if you have few minutes to spare.  You will feel much relieved that it has been all worth the wait, and the 'hard work'.  Now I know why people are crazy about K-Drama. The song and video is simply touching, and certainly has created a huge impact on me.  I had taken the above photo on one Saturday morning after slight drizzling in the East Coast Park near my home.  Now I know why I had taken the foot print.  It must have been about the footprint in the sand poem by Mary Stevenson.  The one set of foot print is when God was carrying us, when we were down, during our most trying periods.

Towards the end of this morning Sunday class, I was pleasantly surprised that the closing was about the book "Heaven is for Real" that the young teacher read recently, on the little boy Colton's short stay in Heaven for just about 3 minutes, and come back to tell his story.  My two lovely sons though have not read the book, shouted that they knew about the story (as I had downloaded the iPhone App before, and they must have been reading it many times).  Grin.  Do have a look at my other blogpost, when I reviewed about this interesting Heaven is for Real book.  It was a fun read.  Have a good week ahead folks!! Talk later.

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Saved by the Light


Got the above book in first photo from the Taiwan book publisher recently. Was attracted by the title, on many prophesies that were made by this man, who had come back from a close shave of death. In fact, he had died 2 times before he wrote his first book "Saved by the Light". He is no other than Dannion Brinkley - a New York Times best selling author, by his three book series: 1. "Saved by the Light", 2. "At Peace in the Light", and last one - 3. "Secrets of the Light".

Instead of getting more details on the prophesies that was shown to Dannion in twelve boxes (or video tapes?) - that was in 1975, this book is more light hearted on his encounters when he was called back and shown the magnificent aspects of Heaven. There he went thru the holistic whole life review - and switched role to re-experience those he had hurt before, from other person's perspective. He described a lot more in his second death (think was a heart surgery) when he cheated death again. Both times he had a brief encounter, but was called back to earth, as he still has his unfinished business. This book was a light read. Then, I began to search and realize that I actually had and read his third book years ago in 2009.

The second photo is Secrets of the Light Chinese version (right), and the original English version (left) which I must have bought also sometime later (not yet read). I recently re-read the Chinese one. Just a quick update: this guy is real. The way he described his cerebral experience echoes a lot with Swendenborg's work. The only difference is that he described in such details that I have to say he must have personal experienced it, that left a profound imprint in his mind. The book will be a good tool book on really how to live the heaven life or create Heaven on Earth. I shall give a more detailed report after I finish reading the English original text. Just a preview, inside this last book, Dannion and the co-author (his wife) actually laid down the formula very clearly, using

A fourfold path to Power
1. The Power in Love
2. The Power in Choice
3. The Power in Belief
4. The Power in Prayer
These he called them the foundation.

And share how to live up the "7 Lessons from Heaven"  - more to come later. Stay tuned!!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Swedenborg's Great Gift

I first come across Swedenborg's work from a Japanese manga. It intrigues me a lot, as it describes his adventure between Heaven, Hell and the Soul world in great details. Reading the comic book is like having gone thru the same journey with him, as it's full of pictures and lots of visual impact.

Think I have seen this book around in Singapore few months back or last year. Didn't buy it until no more stock left. Anyway, I got it directly shipped from Taiwan the publisher, at a cheaper deal :) so still not missing much I hope.

A little intro about Emanuel Swedenborg. He was a talented Sweden scientist lived in the 16th centuries, often compared as great as Sir Isaac Newton. He experienced a life turning event when he was 57 years old, as he described Lord had chosen him to be the spoke person, to share his experiences when he was able to go back and forth between Earthly realm and other realms (Heavens, Hells and intermediate Soul worlds) using an out of body near death experience (NDE) that he could exercise at will and at ease. Since then, he had dropped his scientific work, and devoted his next 27 years, experiencing and recording a lot of literatures - there are many yet to be published. Swedenborg even prophesied the date he would die 1 year beforehand, and tried to expedite to finish the unfinished work until the last day.

This book is actually translated from Korean text, whereby Swedenborg Foundation condensed the key teachings - to serve as an intro into Swedenborg's world.

To cut it short, I like this book not just about its description on eternaity of soul, the different levels within Heaven and Hell (3 each), but especially also on why and how could we get back to our heavenly Home (aka Heaven) while we are in this earthy Home.

The path is simple: Love God, and love Others (ie People). (愛神,愛人)

Our ticket to heaven can only be earned when we are doing above two while we are on earth. In fact, one should blend in with others, not detached, and start to (re)pick up our long lost skill - by starting to love own-self, our family, neighbors, colleagues, company, nation and the Earth. It's so simple, but we just forgotten about it when we grow up, and buried by surrounding distractions.

The other point I like most, is on Free will and why is it the greatest gift from God. It's again simple - with free will, man kind can make decision, same as God. I read elsewhere before that Angels do not possess free will, as they have returned it back to God long back, so that their sole existence is to serve God. If even Angel does not have free will, while we human do have, how profound is this, that God as creator and parent has given this greatest gift to it's children!!

Like the front cover of this book says, just by browsing few pages of Swedenborg's book may change one's life perspective forever. Please grab one if you can. I am sure I will read it again from time to time, to familiarize myself to the way back to my true home :).  Hope you can, too! :)

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Living from the Heart <3

Long time no blog. I just attended a Heart meditation workshop over a 4 days period, still trying to let the dusts settled in my heart on what I have learnt, and what I have changed. This blog post hopes to share some of my insights - thus far.

The workshop was based on Drunvalo Melchizedek's materials and his teachings. Start from a glimpse of sacred geometry, thru to calling of our angels to support us, revealing our true nature (we are eternal souls) and finding our soul purpose on earth, thru to healing work to clear our past emotional baggages and let love shine thru us, to open our hearts, and let us know "To Give is to Get"- when we do it with heartfelt love. All these are just prep work to get to next stage, which is to enter into a sacred space in our heart, and from another tiny space within the sacred space, that's the portal for us to connect to the Source and to get our third eye opened, our MerKaBa (our personal energy toroidal field) activated, before entering into the heart based creation process (whereby only positive stuff can be created, unlike mind based creation due to polarity nature, very often -ve thing will also get manifested unknowingly). The Unity breathing technique also reminds us about the love of Mother Earth and Father Sun have to us - every divine child on this planet. The fuzzy energy sensation feeling will keep me all pumped up and attune at the right vibes all day long, just like a long stamina smart phone (grin) that the battery never get depleted until you want to.

A lot of fellow workshop mates felt changes happened, and I am no exception. I would say my mind is clearer now - just like another veil has been lifted thus can see a further horizon, and more intuitive now. Perhaps, my once asleep sixth sense has finally come back. Welcome back. :) and the teachings and experience I gained from other spiritual workshops the dots start to connect now. What a good feeling.

The workshop talks a lot about our hearts, and the importance to shift our consciousness from mind based to heart based.

There are many times the teacher referenced to Yeshua (Jesus) famous quote "unless you turn and become like childlike, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven". This echoes exactly as another quote I heard it years ago, when a HK author Ronald Fung (溤兩努) shared with me when he was leaving with me after his speech in my university campus "成大人者, 必不失其赤子之心" loosely translated as "To be a great person, one must not forego his/her childlike heart". Heart again!!

The revelations I got from this workshop are immensely useful for me to carry on my life in a steadfast manner now. For this I am forever grateful to my teacher Amun Brown, the organizer Kingsley Sok, and all the soul class mates for their unreserved sharings during the class. We all felt like a family reunion.

Before I end this post, let me share just one more finding- which I saw it from another FB message lately after the workshop. It is about the Chinese words 開心, which means joy or happiness. It's made up of 2 words: Open開 and Heart心, so ancient Chinese already discover the secret to happiness i.e. to achieve a blissful state, one must keep his/ her heart open, or vice versa, when our hearts are opened, there should be no reason we won't have joy while we are in this earthy world.

Let's keep our hearts opening, more and more, and day by day, okay?? :)

Have a great day, till I next write, please take care for yourself and your heart too.

Heartfelt thanks and love from my heart to yours...

PS: To my Singaporean friends or those stay nearby, if you are interested to know more about this subject, when is the next intake timing (end Oct), please feel free to contact me. Be still, and listen to your heart. It will tell you what to do. When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Energy Mgmt: Sleep Cycle iPhone App

After back to HQ, I have been to more lunch time talks these days. One recent one I went to was about Energy Management. 

The speaker Dr John Ng says very often people mixed up Time Management with Energy Management.  Poor energy mgmt will most probably lead to poor time mgmt, but not necessary the other way round. 

We need to identify those Energy Depleter vs Energy Energizer.  Energy is such a life force that without preserving it, it will not be possible for one to pursue the goals we set forth. 

There are 5 levels of Energy, for which the speaker dwelt a lot on first 2 only, owing to time limit. 

1.  Physical Energy
2.  Emotional Energy
3.  Mental Energy
4.  Social Energy
5.  Spiritual Energy

When one achieves the optimum experience, the FLOW pattern will appear.  In other words, one finds true purpose and start to be in the game. 

A)  To re-coup and prepare for Physical Energy, is none other than having good sleep, enough rest, take in healthy food and have exercise. Sounds simple, isn't it?

B)  To get into Emotional Energy, one needs to know ourself and others, thus will adapt the right strategy when dealing with others.  The speaker uses simple grid: Introvert vs Extrovert, and Task vs Person. 

So for I&T quadrant person: need to give them clear agenda, time to prepare and think, and a safe environment before they will speak up.

On the other end, for an E&P person, they will like to speak up even without encouragement, and brain storm will sure work for them etc

Knowing basic personality difference is yet another simple yet effective strategy to adapt the different style accordingly, without draining one's energy unnecessarily. 

There are few key points which I couldn't recall under which topics, but noted down for sharing anyway:

* Past experience will determine our response to Present and Future.  Unless we find value and meaning in the past Bad experience, we will always live through the past -- beware, need to Move on!!

* What you Fire, you Wire

* What you Focus, you Magnify

I did follow the Speaker advice to take One action and practise it. Which is to download the Sleep Cycle iPhone app - a fantastic sleeping pattern and alarm app, that makes use of iPhone's sensitive accelerometer to detect your body movement and determine the optimum time to wake you up at the right moment i.e. when one is in the slightest wake up period.  I had tried a few nights and had to admit it is pretty accurate.  I was gently awaken by a very soothing alarm that I felt refreshed. The app actually tracks stats and can do further analysis.  A wonderful app that I come to use it so late.  Had heard about it sometime ago. :P

For those interested to learn more about the speaker Dr John Ng, one can find more info from his company

In particular, on Energy management topic, John actually created a few blogposts for this:

Have fun exploring Sleep Cycle app, sorry Android phone users. Oops!! :)